• We help sellers to conduct complex diagnostic of the target asset and develop road map of selling process
  • We shortlist international investors who might be potentially interested and prepare all the necessary materials (teaser, infomemo, etc)
  • We arrange process of bid collection and providing additional information through the data room (VDR)
  • We support in bid evaluations, negotiations and closing of transaction, including SPA
  • We help to conduct a complex independent due diligence of the target asset, including financial, tax and legal aspects
  • We find convincing arguments for negotiations with the seller and help to access a fair market value of the asset
  • We support in deal structuring to minimize the potential risks for the buyer
  • We evaluate a quality of management of the target asset and help to design a turnaround plan
  • We assist in a comprehensive assessment of an investment project and prepare a business plan in compliance with the requirements of leading international financial institutions
  • We compare realistic options for capital raising and assist you in finding a potential investor
  • We help you to prepare for project defense at the credit committee and answers questions of the creditors
  • We assess of the company's capacity to receive a credit rating and prepare a roadmap
  • We access indicative level of the credit rating that can be obtained from each of the three leading rating agencies (Moody's, SP Global Ratings, Fitch) and help you to choose the most appropriate provider
  • We assist you in preparation of all necessary materials for the credit agency, including a financial model with cash flow forecasts
  • We support you in negotiating with credit agency, answering questions from rating analysts and preparing arguments for the rating committee